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Revisiting the MVNHS©

It's been a while since we last looked in on Britain's Much Vaunted National Health Service©:

"A doctor said pressures at a Bangor hospital in January left staff in a "very deep hole"

But that was then, and this is, well:

"NHS must apologise for dismissing pelvic mesh and anti-epilepsy drug patients' suffering."

How's that?

When we as patients raise concern about our treatment with those providing it, it's only right that they at least consider what we're telling them. But apparently that's not how it works in one of the world's pre-eminent government-run health "care" systems:

"Since the review launched in 2018, more than 700 families from across the UK have given "harrowing details of their damaged lives ... fought for decades to "achieve acknowledgement" of their suffering."

Turns out, they've actually lost count of how many.

But hey: Free.


[Hat Tip: Holly R]

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