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Who Was That (Un)Masked Man?

An un-named insurance agent has been fired after a COVID-related confrontation at Costco. A video of the dust up surfaced on social media and the termination followed shortly thereafter.

 In the video post on Twitter, the man screams an expletive-ridden tirade telling the woman and a man who appears to be defending her to back up and stop harassing him and his family after he was asked to put on a mask and stay 6 feet away.

"You're harassing me?" the man says as he clenches his fists, to which the other man replies, "I'm not harassing you, you're coming close to me."

The man continues to approach the pair, yelling, "I feel threatened, I feel threatened! Back up! Threaten me again! Back the f--- up, put your f---ing phone down." - Yahoo News

Some folks just aren't meant to be in the insurance business.

No word on whether Costco revoked his membership

#COVID19Mask #Costco

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